Monarch School is pleased to report the following student activities sponsored by grant funds from Clearinghouse CDFI and partners Wells Fargo, CapitalSource Bank, U.S. Bank, First Bank, Wawanesa and Opus Bank:
Science Workshop at Legoland
Our 7th grade class went on an educational field trip to the science lab at Legoland, where they enjoyed a hands‐on learning experience dissecting squid, sponsored by Clearinghouse CDFI and their partners.
“Students were actively engaged during the activity and were eager to learn about the anatomy of a squid,” says teacher Ms. Lopez.
The students located and identified major organs of the squid, and learned about the tools and techniques necessary for dissection. Students critically examined the specialized structures that allow squid to survive in the open ocean. Students were particularly excited to have access to professional science lab equipment. After the dissection, students were able to use the squid’s ink to creatively write their name.
“Our students had fun while learning at Legoland!” says Ms. Lopez. “Thank you, Clearinghouse CDFI and partners Wells Fargo, CapitalSource Bank, U.S. Bank, First Bank, Wawanesa and Opus Bank! From Monarch School’s 7th Grade Class!”
Monarch School of San Diego – Lego Science Trip 2014
Monarch School of San Diego – City College Trip 2014 Monarch School of San Diego – National College Fair Trip 2014 |
National College Fair and Community College TourSpring at Monarch brings a flurry of activities surrounding graduation, scholarships, and college opportunities. While 13 seniors prepare for graduation later this month, our high school students have been touring colleges near and far and exploring options at a national college fair. Monarch students attended the National College Fair at the Pasadena Convention Center, and visited CSU Sacramento. Our entire high school toured San Diego City College and heard a presentation on the first‐year experience and EOPS, the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services. Seven of our Monarch graduating seniors will be enrolling at SDCC this Fall. These college trips play a key role in Monarch’s College and Career Development program to encourage and prepare our students for higher education. All of our college‐bound students are grateful to our sponsors, Clearinghouse CDFI and their partners Wells Fargo, CapitalSource Bank, U.S. Bank, First Bank, Wawanesa and Opus Bank. |
Monarch School of San Diego – Mission Trails Field Trip – 2014 |
Ecosystems Nature Hike at Mission TrailsOur 5th grade class has been studying ecosystems, so they were excited about the opportunity for real life observation during a fantastic ranger‐guided hike through four of the six ecosystems at Mission Trails Regional Park. Students studied plant and animal life, and collected and studied soil samples. “A great time—with a lot of learning—was had by all!” says teacher Ms. Dragomire. “Our 5th graders wish to thank field trip sponsors Clearinghouse CDFI and partners Wells Fargo, CapitalSource Bank, U.S. Bank, First Bank, Wawanesa and Opus Bank.” |
Cinequest Film SummitMonarch students recently participated in a panel discussion at the Cinequest Picture the Possibilities (PTP) annual live summit in Silicon Valley. PTP is a transformative leadership movement, where empowered youth create films expressing visions of a better tomorrow. This arts and culture trip for our students was made possible by grant funds from Clearinghouse CDFI and partners Wells Fargo, CapitalSource Bank, U.S. Bank, First Bank, Wawanesa and Opus Bank. |
Monarch School of San Diego – Cinequest Trip 2014 |