CCDFI Welcomes Kelly Marsoobian, Internship Program Specialist:
Kelly has lived in Orange County, CA for her entire life. She has been happily married for 24 years and has a very cool teenage daughter that is the center of her universe. She volunteers cleaning & feeding barn animals every weekend at a local farm and then comes home to tend to her own two cats, two tortoises, and vegetable garden. Kelly loves driving her 1950 GMC pickup truck and participates in local classic car gatherings and parades. On holiday weekends and summers, Kelly will always be on the road with her family, camping in their RV.
Kelly joins Clearinghouse CDFI as the new Internship Program Specialist. Before joining CCDFI, Kelly was the Community Reinvestment Act Program Manager for 22 years at one of the largest family-owned banks in the country. She enjoyed being part of the important work of assisting low/moderate-income individuals and communities. Kelly attended California State University, Long Beach and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Consumer Affairs – encompassing Consumer Advocacy and Protection, Financial Management, and Housing.
Reach out to Kelly directly: kellym@ccdfi.com or call (949) 540-6982.
Learn more about the ‘B’ BOLD & BOLD(ER) Internship Programs.
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Welcome Kelly Marsoobian, Internship Program Specialist