Name: Rose
Grade: 10th
Favorite Subject: Engineering
Q: You’ve been doing robotics/engineering and creating art since elementary school. What fascinates you most about each? What are the best/most exciting projects you’ve experienced?
Rose: The aspect of having to use my imagination to solve a problem and then build what I imagine is what really fascinates me about robotics and engineering. It allows me to keep in touch with my creative side, and it keeps me focused. I love art and am fascinated by it because I am given the chance to dive into my creative side and create messages through my art for others to enjoy.
Q: You mentioned you enjoy robotics, reading, hanging with friends/family, and art. What are your favorite things to read and why? What is your favorite kind of art?
Rose: My favorite genre to read is fantasy because I feel like when I read fantasy novels, I get sucked into another world and I get to explore that other world. It also helps to spark my creativity, to look at things from other perspectives, and to enjoy the life I have been given. I don’t really have a favorite type of art, but my favorite artist is Leonardo Da Vinci. I love how his art seems to come to life and just speaks to me.
Q: Your hidden talent is that you’re good with animals. What do you enjoy the most about animals? What makes you good with them?
Rose: I enjoy the playfulness and curiosity of all animals. I love how I can just look in their eyes and understand them. How they feel, if they’re scared, if they’re nervous or excited, and if they are comfortable. I guess what makes me good with them is the fact that I am willing to just sit with them and talk to them. I don’t push boundaries, and I let them come to me when they are ready or feel comfortable. I have always had a soft spot for animals, and I always will.
Q: You describe yourself as shy at first, then outgoing once comfortable. How do you overcome your initial shyness and get comfortable in a new environment? What makes you feel the most comfortable and able to just be yourself?
Rose: Sometimes I just have to tell myself that the only way something is going to work is if I put myself out there. That is usually how I get myself to overcome my initial shyness, but it can still be difficult at times.
It really all depends on the situation. I feel the most comfortable when I am with animals or in a place with people that I know. If none of those things are present in my environment, I tend to be more reserved. However, over the years I have gotten better at not being so shy and just putting myself out there.
Q: Your father and stepmother are your heroes because they pull through tough situations and help you with your own. What traits do you think a hero must possess? What traits do you strive to embody? How do you achieve them?
Rose: I believe that a hero must be brave, hardworking, compassionate towards others, and able to accept when they are afraid and vocalize it. I strive to always be compassionate with an open heart to anyone in need, and to recognize when I am scared and to accept it. It’s okay to be afraid, but it’s not okay to let fear take control of you.
I also strive to work hard and prove to others that just because I am a girl, does not mean that I can’t do anything.
Q: You moved to Virginia during your Freshman year and overcame your fears by forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that experience? Would you change it if you could?
Rose: When I forced myself out of my comfort zone during this experience, I learned that it’s okay to be afraid and shy, but that I couldn’t let that fear take control of me. I had to take control of my fears and just keep pushing through.
Honestly, I would have liked to know at least one person, but I am very happy and pleased with how things turned out. So no, I would not change anything that happened if I could.
Q: You’ve begun looking into colleges and are considering Cal Poly. You mentioned your father is a veteran, which could help with tuition. When you imagine yourself in college, what do you look forward to the most?
Rose: When I imagine myself in college, I look forward to meeting new people and learning all that I can. I honestly have only really thought about classes and excited I am to begin my journey towards my dream to one day open my very own animal prosthetics company.
Q: Your dream job is to work with animals in the engineering field by making prosthetics. How did you become interested in this specifically? What makes it your dream job?
Rose: When I was younger, I knew that I wanted to be an engineer and build some cool stuff, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I have always loved animals and being able to rescue them if I can. I have always wanted to own a sanctuary where I can continue to help animals in need. I decided that I could combine my engineering skills and my love for animals and do something that included both things that I love most. Becoming a biomechanical engineer is my dream job because I can make prosthetics for animals in need and feel like I have helped nature the way that I know how to.
Q: You applied to ‘B’ BOLD to learn work/life skills. What skills do you think will help you navigate the rest of high school and prepare for college? Any personal goals for your internship?
Rose: I believe that the financial skills I will learn during this internship will be very important for me so that I can rely on myself and I don’t have to be confused and taken advantage of when dealing with money. I will also use these financial skills to help me learn more about business for my future company. My personal goals for this internship are to learn about each department within Clearinghouse CDFI so that I may apply what I learn to future jobs/college, and to master the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel to also use for future jobs/college.
Q: What has your experience been like so far as a ‘B’ BOLD intern? Is it what you expected? What are your favorite and least favorite aspects?
Rose: My experience as a ‘B’ BOLD intern so far has been quite pleasant and exciting. I really enjoy coming in every Tuesday and Friday to learn something new. This internship isn’t exactly what I expected it would be. Then again, I didn’t know what to expect. I just hoped to learn a lot and wished for the best, and I am happy with the outcome I have received. My favorite aspect is coming in each shift and learning something new. My least favorite aspect is that I have unfortunately missed a few shifts due to being sick.